Wednesday, September 04, 2013

More Photos

Here are some of my latest Photo's. I hope you enjoy them. My Apologies for not blogging more, but I am rather busy with school and other life projects... hope these help make up for my absence. The first one is part of my Horsen around collection. IN a post below in 2012 you can see the Horses Ass picture I took, that is this same statue from a new perspective. I have a rather old school Canon Rebel XTi camera with one lens the 18x55 lens that came with my camera. I hope to get some new lenses for it soon, as the body is rather good and does what I want it too. I have been eyeing some of the new technology that is out there, both in Canon and Nikon. I will post more photo's soon. I hope you enjoy my work.. thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Eight Sixteen Twentytwelve

Greetings, How is everyone? Me, I am well... thanks for asking. I just got done with my summer semester of college. Took two mini-mesters. They are full length courses squished down to just 5 weeks. It can be rough when you have 2 classes in each mini-mester for a total of 4 classes, 2 in each mini-mester. I like them because they are fast and furious. I had Digital Imaging in this last class, and I did rather well, a B for my total grade. I learned quite a bit about digital photography as well as tools used to edit images to bring out the details and make them works of art. Here is one I am very proud of, and have even been offered $200.00 dollars for it as a 16x20 print matted. The picture is of The Equestrian out in front of the El Paso International Airport.
The Sculptor and I have chatted a couple times online and on the phone when I did a paper on him for another class I had, Art Appreciation. John Sherrill Houser is a nice man, he had plenty of advice for a young artist, and an open demeanor to all my questions. He was over seas in Italy at the time working on another art project over there, but he took the time from his busy scheduled to entertain my Q&A and personal insights. Here is his site if you want to see more of his work. John Sherrill Houser I have an affinity for tilt photography. It is where you take everyday ordinary scenery and make it look like miniature toys. This is an example of what I achieved, Toy Cars.
School is going well, and I hope to be finished soon. I would love to change professions and move forward. The wife recently graduated, but found out in order to work in her field she needs a Bachelors Degree, so she is currently working hard to get that. I hope all this education is worth it... cause it feels like it will never end. lol. Hope you all enjoy the pictures, and are doing well. More later.

Monday, September 11, 2006


I decided to start blogging again. This time with no assumed names, or from behind an alias. I have opinions, feelings, comments, and a whole bunch more to share with the world. And I might as well face the feedback as myself.

I hope to use this as a forum to discuss ideas, post my pet peeves, and keep people who know me updated on my life altering events.

So welcome to my world.. hope it changes yours.